I had the great luck to be in need of a Biennial Flight Review at the same time the club needed to pick up a new aaeroplane gong on line. From Goulburn. So I ferried the Chief Flying Instructor down so he could assess my flying, so he could fly the Warrior back, with me, and assess its performance against the Robin's 100 knot cruise. Worked out very well. Planned to fly through Richmond control zone, and got there a minute before it came active. The tower called us in and we passed details and they gave us onwards airways clearance - to Warragamba, The Oaks, and then over some spectacular gorges from 4500 feet all the way down. Into a 25 knot headwind, took a while. First time on the ground in Goulburn and had the chance for a bit of a chat and walk around waiting for fuel. (Wandered around this venerable Dak with hitherto never before seen turbine engines!!)

Nice trip back, over Prospect, to Hornsby over my teenage abode, Patonga thence Lake Macquarie, working Williamtown approach to achieve a nicely slotted arrival, before the CFI and a Banderante on his tail.