160hp constant speed prop flaperons sliding canopy with centre-stick. What's not to like about this Aussie veteran which is the club's replacement aero mount from the Robin. Good radio stack. K took me up over the bombing range for an upper air check out. THere was lots of traffic and one of my headset's phones was shot, so I was only hearinf out of one ear, which wasnt helping me concentrate on all the calls as well as what K wanted me to do. Steep turns and wing overs were fun as was stalls and then we glided back over the field for a PFL. Gliding into two helicopters, an incoming 150 followed by an Airbus and I mucked the approach by waiting my turn in the pattern. On climb out from the second botch after putting on too much flap we notice the Manifold Pressure gauge was sticking again, this time for good. We had done three perfect landings so we packed up and K checked with the engineering and maintenance people for the club about it. Get her to Cessnock where R was waiting to fix her up. But how, I wasnt checked out in the Archer, our only other aircraft and K and I were the only pilots on the ground.Fine, I'll fly the ATourer with the broken MP guage. Just set the prop by ear. It's the second time I'd flown it! Kerry will follow in the Archer.
Airborne and set in the cruise at 1500 ft K formates on my left wing as he said he would. Holy shit! I'd never been so close to another aircraft so close even on the ground! Dont look at it, look ahead and fly smooth. K is the formation instructor. He pulls back and underneath and formates on my right then comes up. I ease away a little to the left opening up a space between us. Is he looking at my MP gauge?!
He adds speed and I follow him about 150 metres, and keep bouncing in his wake! Ease right takes care of it. I hear C call into Cessnock in his helo. "Hi C" "G'day mate" He thought I was someone else.
K is 2/3 a mile ahead of me into the pattern and I am on final as he is pulling off the runway. Another fine landing and I taki to R's hangar our repairer and C's dad. We chat and then head back. K gives checks me out in the Archer on the way back. It is easy to fly. Just a big old Warrior. The check out is part of the Tourer ferry, so it pays to be at the right place at the right time. Three flights for the price of one. And two checks. Did I say the weather was wonderful flying weather.. ? Ahh Hunter Valley flying. It's the best!