S asked if I wanted to fly back. He'd been doing most of the passenging with me as the pilot ferry so I said no thanks, I'm happy to passenge a bit.
And I was. Casual navigating with the GPS and radio freq changes made it easier for S to check off his waypoints. And I got to photo my teenage home in Normanhurst. We chatted about the weather on the way back. We'd turned back early the same morning over the Central Coast when an unforecast wall of low cloud blocked our path south. I was in the lead and S and I used 126.7 as interplane to coordinate our survey that it did extend well south and too close to the ground, on the ground in places, to be safe therefore we turned back. It had burned off by midday but there was an appalling smog in its place trapped under the inversion layer at 2500 feet, and the prospect of the previous days' Mega Thunder/Hail Storm appearing in our path became a more strident topic of conversation as we watched a CB mushroom into the stratosphere abeam and slightly left of Williamtown – our destination. Well we beat it and we taxied back as its shelf clouds turned black, but soon after it evaporated into the blue sky.
Two hours in the log, plus another 50 minutes of bouncing in the bubbling air in the right hand seat. I am a sky person.

Photo of Normanhurst suburb of Sydney taken while flying north. I grew up in the middle right-south of the photo. (Harder to get lost in the sky).
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