I finished the final laminate layer before Easter. Since then I've been sanding front and back faces flat and having chosen a most flat face, I went to the least flat face and practiced the precision drawing onto the spar blank - of The Cut. Having got that largely wrong (the plans says the spar has a straight taper, but that doesn't explain the 750lb mod to the top centre of the spar which distorts the calcs). I tried again on the other side and decided to compromise the straightness with a more even curve top and bottom. There's already a warp and washout built into the rib angles so a minor extra curve should be ok, (Wait for covering problems!).
Now I am read for The Cut. But how?
Hand saw. Slowly and carefully. I'm not taking it to a professional. If the they bugger it up there would be serious trouble.
I thought optimistically this could be done by the End of January! Anyway, I am building my fuse jig too.
1 comment:
Hi Amplitur,
One thing I've learnt on the bathroom build is to use a power tool whenever I can. Finish is always neater. I either use a circular saw 'freehand', mounted in my Triton workbench, jigsaw, power miter saw or a neat little powered hand-saw that I bought from Black and Decker; a 'Scorpion'. Don't know if any of these would be big enough for what you're cutting but they beat hand sawing. I've even used my chainsaw for some outside work (eg. fencing). Mind you, I'm hopeless with hand tools and need all the help I can get.
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